Bilde 2. 'Slik motstanderen beskyldes for'
8. Om alt var likt, også DNA, ville det bare være en art, og ikke noe å redegjøre for. Dermed er det mekanismer for forskjellene mellom artene som må gjøres rede for,10. Ch. Darwin, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, MA: Harvard University Pres, 1964), s.189.11.Fr. Crick, "The Origin of The Genetic Code," Journal of Molecular Biology 38 (1968): 367-379 (372)13. Y.I. Wolf og E.V. Koonin, "On the Origin of the Translation System and the Genetic Code in the RNA World by Means of Natural Selection, Biology Direct 2 (2007):14.14. D. Penny, "An Interpretive Review of the Oridion of Life Research," BIology and Philosophy 20 (2005): 633-671 (650)16. Woese, "On the Evolution of Cells," 874318. Woese, "The Universal Ancestor," Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 95 (1998): 6854-6859 (6855)19. Ibid, 685820. Woese, "On the Evolution of Cells," 874621.W.F. Doolittle, "The Practise of Classification and the Theory of Evolution; Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 364 (2009): 2221-2228 (2224)24. M. Syvannen, "On the Occurence of Horizontal Gene Transfer among an Arbitrarily Chosen Group og 26 Genes," Journal of Molecular Evolution 54 (2002):258-266 (265)26. E.V. Koonin, "The Biological Big Bang Model for the Major Transistions in Evolution," Biolgoy Direct 2 (2007): 21.28. P.B. Medeawar og J.S. Medawar, Aristotle to Zoos: A Biological Dictionary (MA: Harvard Universtity Press, 1983), 3930. Se f.eks. O. Schindewolf, Basic Questions in Paleontology (Chicago Press, 1993), 175-176; og A. Hoffman, Arguments on Evolution (Oxford University Press, 1989), s.8-933. G. Fryer, "A Defense of Arthropoc Polyphyly," in Arthropod Relationships, red. R.A. Fortey og R.H. Thomas (London: Chapman & Hall, 1997), 22-32 (22)34. Ibid.36. E. Sober, "Reconstructing the Past (Cambridge: MA: MIT Press, 1988), 8537. L. Agassiz, Essay on Clarification, red. E. Lurie (Mineola: NY: Dover, 2004),39. Ch. Darwin, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, MA: Harvard University Pres, 1964), s.41340. I 1.utgave av On the Origin of Species, bare 14 sider etter denne påstanden, skriver Darwin at "dyr, som tilhører to meget distinkte linjer, kan fort tilpasses til lignende forhold, og således synes å anta en nær ytre likhet, men slik likhet vil ikke åpenbare,heller synes å skjule deres familie-relasjoner til deres riktige nedstigningslinjer (Ch. Darwin, On the Origin of Species, s.427) |
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